About MeNetflixNikeYahoo!Yahoo! Super StarUCLAOthers

Hi, I amSt

I am a senior software UI engineer, an application developer and interested in developing innovative, cutting edge and real-time web applications.
Netflix Logo

I am currently a Senior Software (UI) Engineer at Netflix.

I work in the Animation Studio. For my current project, I am primarily focused on real-time audio based tools. My day-to-day activities involve coding with technologies such as WebRTC, Web Audio API, Media Stream API, MediaStream Recording API, Speech APIs, Audio Streaming, Mobx, React, Typescript, CSS-in-JS etc...

Tech Stack

Typescript, React, Mobx, Director, WebRTC, Web Audio API, Web Speech API, Audio Streaming, Pro Tools, Media Composer, websockets, observables, CSS-in-JS, Glamor, Emotion, NextJs, CRA... etc


Recording, Casting, Content Hub, Subtitling Originator

Open recording booth
Nike Logo

Just do it!

My time at Nike almost feels like a dream that never happened. Everything about that place is surreal. Their campus is massive, the facilities are breathtaking. The Nike campus is out of this world. Their events are on another level. Everything is extremely professional and built with high standards. Working at Nike is inspiring.

At Nike I worked primarily on the checkout team for I couldn't help but purchase many Nike products everyday. Hey, I was just testing.

I also briefly worked on the SNKRs team, reusable components and on web accessibility for, giving training on web accessibility to my peers.

Tech Stack

Javascript, React, Redux, CSS-in-JS, WAI-ARIA, WCAG, Jaws, VoiceOver, Screen Readers, RxJs

Product checkout

Yahoo Logo

At Yahoo! I grew, I learned, I won, I conquered, I invented, I innovated, I thrived.

For one of my projects during my time at Yahoo!, I worked closely with the visually impaired. That allowed me to have remarkable and very valuable experiences that I cherish to this day. I led numerous user studies where I watched how visually impaired users interacted with our product. Because of that, I was able to have a better understanding of their daily pain and was able to create a better and much more improved user experience for our products. Not only for visually impaired users, but to all users. Empathy is key.

Tech Stack

WAI-ARIA, WCAG, Jaws, VoiceOver, Screen Readers, Redux, React, Plain Javascript, YUI, CSS, SCSS, SASS, HTML/JSX


Yahoo! Mail & Yahoo! Messenger


Yahoo! Super Star and many hack days winner


Co-Inventor with Mohit Goenka: Webpage navigation utilizing audio commands - Patent issuer and number US US20170098448A1

See patent
Stephani Bishop holding super star trophy with katie couric

Super Star Award

Re-live this amazing moment with me. Watch Jeff Bonforte, VP of Yahoo! (at the time of this award), deliver an entertaining speech, followed by a clip containing some of my experiences at Yahoo! and finally, my super nervous speech.

Based in Los Angeles, CA.

Although most part of my software engineering life has been in the Bay Area, I am currently based in Hollywood, Los Angeles, CA and hopefully not leaving any time soon.


Ucla Logo

Among top 5 public universities in the US over many consecutive years

UCLA Samueli School of Engineering

UCLA Bachelor of Science

Field of Study

Computer Science

Activities and Societies

Upsilon Pi Epsilon, CEED 2012 - Vice President of Upsilon Pi Epsilon, Computer Science Honor Society @ UCLA California Beta Chapter. 2011 - Publicity Chair of Upsilon Pi Epsilon, Computer Science Honor Society @ UCLA California Beta Chapter.


There are so many other projects I worked on that it feels almost impossible (too lazy) to list them all. But here are some fun ones worth mentioning.

Ben and Jerry Logo

I dig Good Stuff

The IDGS (I Dig Good Stuff) project was one of my proudest works. The Ben & Jerry’s Sourcing Stories site presented a series of beautifully animated and interactive stories narrating the origins of the ingredients used in Ben & Jerry’s delectable ice cream. It was programmed using Javascript and swiffy animations.

For a more comprehensive list, visit my profile

Stephani Moroni Bishop | Senior Software UI Engineer |